Meeting -Picnic at the Park
Imagery, Ideas and Inspiration.
- Cafe du Pique-Nique -Is an indoor picnic cafe in London.
Cafe du Pique-Nique |
- Park Here is an Indoor Pop up Park that operates during the winter months. It allows the public to enjoy a picnic that otherwise would of been prevented by the weather. Park Here also supports the local summer season businesses by allowing them to open in conjunction to the park.
Picnic History
Originally, the term described the element of individual contribution each guest was supposed to make towards the repast, as everyone who had been invited to social events styled as "picnics" was expected to turn up bearing a dish to add to the common feast. This element was picked up in other 'picnic' terms, such as 'picnic society,' which described gatherings of the intelligentsia where everyone was expected to perform or in some other way contribute to the success of the evening.
Over time, the meaning of the word shifted to emphasize an alfresco element that had crept into the evolving concept of what such gatherings were supposed to be. Nowadays one thinks of a picnic as a casual meal partaken in a pastoral setting, not as a repast enjoyed either indoors or outdoors but which was contributed to by everybody. Modern picnics can be provisioned by only one cook, and no one would think anything of it; what matters now is the food be eaten outdoors.